hicloud CaaS Pricing

(The pricing by 28th July, 2019)

The price of using CaaS includes the following:
1. Basic Services : Including computing resources, escalation of computing resource specifications, storage and data transfer. Four items are priced separately.
2. Value-added services : Including information security, network-related and other value-added items.

Basic Service

The price of computing resources

Product Name
Clock rate
Windows Linux
TWD/Hour TWD/Day TWD/Hour TWD/Day
Mini-Promotions 1 1 1 0.38 9 0.17 4
S 1 1 2 2.94 70 2.54 60
S-PLUS 2 1 2 3.34 80 2.92 70
M 2 1 4 4.24 100 3.84 90
M-PLUS 2 1 8 5.21 125 4.6 110
L-MINI 4 1 4 5.42 130 5.09 122
L 4 1 8 5.94 140 5.54 130
XL 4 1 16 9.34 220 8.54 200
High-M 4 2 8 9.84 230 8.99 210
High-L 8 1 8 9.84 230 8.99 210
High-XL 4 2 16 16.14 380 14.49 340
High-M-VC 8 1 16 16.14 380 14.49 340
High-L-VC 4 2 32 26.64 630 23.74 560
High-XL-VC 8 1 32 26.64 630 23.74 560
High CPU
2C4G 2 2.4* 4 6.25 150 4.125 99
4C8G 4 2.4* 8 13.334 320 7.704 185
8C16G 8 2.4* 16 27.292 655 14.792 355
12C32G 12 2.4* 32 45.834 1100 21.875 525
24C64G 24 2.4* 64 91.667 2200 45.834 1100
High RAM
2C15G 2 2.4* 15 8.959 215 6.042 145
4C30G 4 2.4* 30 18.125 435 11.667 280
8C60G 8 2.4* 60 37.5 900 23.334 560
16C120G 16 2.4* 120 70.834 1700 47.084 1130
Product Name
Clock rate
TWD/Hour TWD/Day
Mini-Promotions 1 1 1 0.38 9
S 1 1 2 2.94 70
S-PLUS 2 1 2 3.34 80
M 2 1 4 4.24 100
M-PLUS 2 1 8 5.21 125
L-MINI 4 1 4 5.42 130
L 4 1 8 5.94 140
XL 4 1 16 9.34 220
High-M 4 2 8 9.84 230
High-L 8 1 8 9.84 230
High-XL 4 2 16 16.14 380
High-M-VC 8 1 16 16.14 380
High-L-VC 4 2 32 26.64 630
High-XL-VC 8 1 32 26.64 630
High CPU
2C4G 2 2.4* 4 6.25 150
4C8G 4 2.4* 8 13.334 320
8C16G 8 2.4* 16 27.292 655
12C32G 12 2.4* 32 45.834 1100
24C64G 24 2.4* 64 91.667 2200
High RAM
2C15G 2 2.4* 15 8.959 215
4C30G 4 2.4* 30 18.125 435
8C60G 8 2.4* 60 37.5 900
12C120G 16 2.4* 120 70.834 1700
Product Name
Clock rate
TWD/Hour TWD/Day
Mini-Promotions 1 1 1 0.17 4
S 1 1 2 2.54 60
S-PLUS 2 1 2 2.92 70
M 2 1 4 3.84 90
M-PLUS 2 1 8 4.6 110
L-MINI 4 1 4 5.09 122
L 4 1 8 5.54 130
XL 4 1 16 8.54 200
High-M 4 2 8 8.99 210
High-L 8 1 8 8.99 210
High-XL 4 2 16 14.49 340
High-M-VC 8 1 16 14.49 340
High-L-VC 4 2 32 23.74 560
High-XL-VC 8 1 32 23.74 560
High CPU
2C4G 2 2.4* 4 4.125 99
4C8G 4 2.4* 8 7.704 185
8C16G 8 2.4* 16 14.792 355
12C32G 12 2.4* 32 21.875 525
24C64G 24 2.4* 64 45.834 1100
High RAM
2C15G 2 2.4* 15 6.042 145
4C30G 4 2.4* 30 11.667 280
8C60G 8 2.4* 60 23.334 560
12C120G 16 2.4* 120 47.084 1130

The above computing resources prices do not contain storage and data transfer fees. Your bill will be calculated round up to the hour based on the running time of your resources.
The currency is TWD.
Bills are settled on a daily basis and are counted up to a maximum of 30 days per month.

Standard Mini Promotions: the most economical cloud server on the market, buy as soon as possible!

vCPU clock is up to 2.4 GHz for High CPU and High RAM models and working on best effort basis, not fixed at 2.4 GHz.

To know the operating systems supported by each model of cloud server, refer to: Windows System Support List, Linux System Support List.

There are several types of hicloud Machine Image with specific software packages available:
 ■ Database Kit: such as Microsoft SQL Server 2008, MySQL, redisDB, etc. See the details of the database kit page.
 ■ Web Server Kit: LAPP, LAMP, LEMP, Tomcat, etc. For details, please refer to the web server package kit page.

hicloud CaaS computing resources are charged only when a virtual machine (VM) is bootup and running.

Traditionally, users have to pay the full amount of the server fee whether the server is on or off. But hicloud has successfully divided the original price into the fee of computing resource (CPU and RAM) and the fee of storage, which enables a VM to be charged in different rates when on/off. If a VM is turned off, the hicloud will only charge storage fee, since the data is still keeping in the storage, but the CPU and RAM are not required. While the VM is turned on, the full rate of the VM fee will be charged. Actual fee of hicloud services is calculated based on hicloud system logs.

Upgrade and downgrade your VM

Users can adjust the computing resources on demand, which means the VM can be changed between the Standard, High Computing, High CPU, High RAM models. Make sure that you turned off the VM before changing types. Besides, while upgrading to High CPU types or High RAM types, please verify that the VM is running 64bit OS to fully utilize large amount of RAM.

Upgrade your CPU and RAM

Item TWD/Hour TWD/Day Description
1 Extra vCPU
1.5 36 The maximum number of single VM vCPUs is 24.
vCPU clock is 1 GHz.
Applicable Models:
1. Standard Type: All models apply.
2. High Computing Type: High-M-VC, High-L-VC, High-XL-VC
3 72 The maximum number of single VM vCPUs is 24.
vCPU clock is 2 GHz.
Applicable Models:
1. High Computing Type: High-M, High-L, High-XL.
2.5 60 The maximum number of single VM vCPUs is 24.
vCPU clock is up to 2.4 GHz for High CPU and High Memory models and working on best effort basis, not fixed at 2.4 GHz.
Applicable Models:
1. High Computing Type: all models apply.
2. High RAM Type: all models apply.
1GB Extra RAM 1 24 Single VM memory limit is 120 GB.
All models of VM can apply this item to increase RAM amount.
Please verify that the VM is running 64bit OS to fully utilize large amount of RAM.

Note: Extra vCPU and RAM can be unsubscribed after use, and the VM will have the amount of vCPU and RAM based on the model of VM.
For example, a VM is Standard L (vCPU x 4, RAM x 8GB) model, then adding extra vCPUs and RAM. When you unsubscribe all extra vCPUs and RAM, your VM's spec will be back to Standard L (vCPU x 4, RAM x 8GB).

The price of storage

Storage TWD/Hour TWD/Day Remarks
30 GB 0.2 4.8 Can only be used as a Linux system disk.
100 GB 0.67 16 Can be used as a Windows system disk, or the extra non-system disk for all OSes.

The storage fee is charged by hour, and the usage time is calculated round up to hour. Bills are settled on a monthly basis, up to a maximum of 30 days per month. Each VM can be added with up to 5 extra disks in addition to the system disk, with an limitation up to 2 TB for each extra disk.

The price of data transfer

Monthly Traffic Price(TWD/GB) Description
Data Transfer In unlimited 0 All inbound data transfer is free.
(From Internet to hicloud)
Data Transfer Out
<10TB 3 Outbound data trasfer is charged by the left list.
(From hicloud to Internet)
>10TB 2.4
>40TB 1.9
>100TB 1.5
>500TB Contact us

The data transfer fee is charged based on the actual total amount of monthly usage, and the usage is calculated round up to GByte.

Value-added Service

The price of software related services

Product Name TWD/Hour TWD/Day Description
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition(64 bit) 16.14
(each vCPU)
(each vCPU)
1. The software rental fee is "unit price x VM vCPU number." For example, renting this software on hicloud with a 4 vCPU VM costs 16.14 x 4 = TWD $ 64.56 per hour.
2. The software license can be used on commercial services, no limit to the number of access.
3. Recommend to install this software on a VM with more than 4 vCPUs to achieve better performance.
microsoft SQL server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition(64 bit) 16.14
(each vCPU)
(each vCPU)
1. The software rental fee is "unit price x VM vCPU number." For example, renting this software on hicloud with a 4 vCPU VM costs 16.14 x 4 = TWD $ 64.56 per hour.
2. The software license can be used on commercial services, no limit to the number of access.
3. Recommend to install this software on a VM with more than 4 vCPUs to achieve better performance.

The price of information security services

Product Name TWD/Hour TWD/Day Description
Firewall Policy Set 0.47 11 Every set grants 10 firewall policies to associated VM.
Max 50 policies can be associated to a VM.

The price of network related services

Product Name TWD/Hour TWD/Day Description
Load Balance 0.5 12 Every VM participated in the load balance needs to rent one of this item to create a load balance group.
One load balance item can put 2 ports into load balance group. If you want more ports to put into load balance group, rent extra load balance items and there you go.
hicloud Intranet Gateway 1.2 28.8 Provide hicloud Intranet Gateway.
hicloud IPsec VPN Gateway 4.15 99.6 This service can only be rented after the "Intranet Gateway" is rented. IPSec VPN gateway service, providing two encryption modes and up to three Sit-to-Site Tunnel services. You can purchase more gateways to have more Sit-to-Site Tunnels.
HiLink VPN Access 0.345 8.28 This service can only be rented after the "Intranet Gateway" is rented.
It allows one or more physical HiLink VPN network to connect to the hicloud.
(Both region one and region two are open for user subscription)
IPVPN VPN Access 0.345 8.28 This service can only be rented after the "Intranet Gateway" is rented.
It allows one or more physical IPVPN VPN network to connect to the hicloud.
(Both region one and region two are open for user subscription)
GSN VPN Access 0.345 8.28 This service can only be rented after the "Intranet Gateway" is rented.
It allows one or more physical GSN VPN network to connect to the hicloud.
(Only region one is open for user subscription)
HiNet-IDC Access 0.18 4.32 This service can only be rented after the "Intranet Gateway" is rented.
It makes Hinet IDC and leased Line possible to connect to hicloud. (Only region one is open for user subscription)
hicloud IPv6 Converter 0.5 12 Provide IPv4 / IPv6 switching service for every public IP.
hicloud Distributed Traffic Balance(Basic Package) $11,000 per month. A basic package provides global service load balance function. By assigning a domain name and two public IPs into this item, you can create a load balance group across Internet.
hicloud Distributed Traffic Balance(Extra IP) $5,000 per month. When you need 3 or more extra IPs to be added into this item, each extra public IP costs TWD$5,000 per month.

The price of other value-added services

Product Name TWD/Hour TWD/Day Description
Template 0.007/GB 0.16/GB Create a VM template from existing hicloud resources in your account. It helps you to deploy a new VM directly using the template, and new VM will be exactly the same as the original VM that makes the template. To use this function , the existing VM has to be turn off to create a template.
This service is billed based on VM system disk space .Only the VM system disk can be used to create a template.
Backup Plan 0.007/GB 0.16/GB Backup plan (which is the previous "snapshot service") can back up all the data on VM, including system hard drives and additional hard drives, to hicloud environment. You can also schedule automatic backup, as well as to retain the historical copies up to 10 copies.
The data backed up by the current backup plan will be placed in the same hicloud data center as the VM.
CloudWatch(Basic) 0 0 Monitor hicloud resources status every 5 minutes.
Monitoring items: vCPU usage, memory usage, hard disk (used space, unused space, utilization, read and write processing speed, read and write throughput), network access status.
CloudWatch(Advanced) 0.15 3.5 Monitor hicloud resources status every minute.
Monitoring items: vCPU usage, memory usage, hard disk (used space, unused space, utilization, read and write processing speed, read and write throughput), network access status.
CloudWatch SMS(Taiwan) Each message 1.5 The user can set alarms. When the CloudWatch service finds that the VM has reached the alarm, it will send a text message to notify the user.
Currently, the SMS can only be sent to mobile phones and telecommunication networks that use the GSM protocol.
CloudWatch SMS(Outside of for Taiwan) Each message 5.0 The user can set alarms. When the CloudWatch service finds that the VM has reached the threshold, it will send a text message to notify the user.
Currently, the SMS can only be sent to mobile phones and telecommunication networks that use the GSM protocol.

The above value-added services are charged in hour and the usage time is calculated round up to hour.
Billing costs are settled daily but are debited monthly, up to a maximum of 30 days per month.