hicloud CaaS

hicloud CaaS

Rent online, pay on demand

Traditionally, a physical server can serve one user only. By implementing the Virturalization Technology, now a physical server can be divided into several virtual machines(VMs), serve many users at the same time, and every user can get the full power of the original physical server. Comparing to the traditional physical server, VM is more flexible, efficient and inexpensive in various situations, which makes VM an ideal choice for building new services, running tests, or substituting for soon-to-expire servers. Chughwa Telecom adopts the idea and technology to present "hicloud CaaS cloud computing" service to all individuals and enterprises, equips every one with new technologies and mindset for the future of computing.

Economical "Per-Hour Billing"

The fee of hicloud CaaS VM is multiplying hourly fee by running hours. The cost of servers will be relieved from huge one-time payment before putting up to operation and divided into smaller monthly bill to reduce the stress of capital expenses.

Rent, upgrade or downgrade VMs in real-time

Over 90% basic rental and management operations can be completed on hicloud user portal web, and users can access user portal via Internet and browser on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.. In general, these basic operations will be carried out in 10 mins maximum, which saves lots of waiting time and makes adjustments more efficient than traditional physical servers.

Build your services on the cloud

More and more professional softwares are transforming into web-based nowadays, and enterprises need new environment to place these services. Take scalability, maintenance complexity and cost efficiency into consideration, hicloud CaaS is one of the most ideal cloud services for enterprises located in Taiwan to setup web-based services. Whether running Windows or Linux OSes, you can find corresponding VM profiles/specs and create the VM in short time, install the software via Internet, and transfer data from your own servers to complete the establishment of cloud environment, so easy and trouble-free.

Integrated cloud with enterprise intranet and datacenter

Enterprises will demand more and more computing and storage capabilities when the business soars, and cloud provides scale flexibility to assist enterprises to keep rising while slicing up the one-time big cost of buying servers into monthly VM rental fee. This grants swift IT management and cash flow to your company and prepare you for the bright future of your business. Besides, hicloud CaaS can connect to the enterprise's Intranet and datacenters via VPN networks and work flawlessly under the existing security policies, which gives a secure cloud environment and easy implementation to you.

Saving money and being efficient

In Taiwan, hicloud CaaS is one of the leading and popular cloud services, and can be integrated with Chunghwa Telecom IDC, broadband, mobile and other professional services. Choose hicloud services and get the maximum boost to your business!